すまん、英語詳しくないからわからんが in a high-stakes prison escape, Uldren and his eight Barons took out legendary Hunter, cayde-6, and unleashed chaos across the reef. って脱獄したユルドレンとバロンが伝説のハンターであるケイドを倒してリーフが混沌としてるって感じの文にしか見えないけど違うの? -- 2018-09-19 (水) 11:20:00
A year following the Red War, he played a role in freeing the Scorn from the Prison of Elders, where he shot and killed Cayde-6 with his own Ace of Spades, fleeing the scene afterward. -- 2018-09-19 (水) 11:24:01